Where to begin...how about before we left the States for Zambia. There were multiple conversations about the nature of the culture here. One of the facts of life here is stealing. It's a way of life for some, it's survival for some, it's a lack of values and morals for others, its desiring what they see on TV and in the lives of the white people. Sometimes it's those you are helping the most...It's confusing!
Mitzi stopped one day to give some kiddos a lift. Walking is the transportation mode in our community. Very few people have a car so the roads are filled with pedestrians. FILLED! You would think they would appreciate the lift off the dusty dirt roads and from the heat. But alas they just saw it as an opportunity to get what they don't have. So out went the iphone before she knew what was happening. Stolen with her in the car! It was probably sold. They maybe bought food with it but more than likely they used it for...well lets not go there. There has been so much more stolen it would take pages to recount them all.
So as I always do I chirped annoyingly as only I can about locking your things up. You know... when their faces glaze over and you can tell they are not listening anymore? Or the roll of the eyes...Like I have heard this all a hundred times why are you saying this again look? Yeah well thats how much I have chirped. Lets just say that we were well aware that everything needs to be locked up at all times. Even around those you know and love and love you. It's just what you do here, you lock things up.
Last night Caleb had ALL his money stolen. 2000 Kwacha or $400 US dollars. Mitzi said that is about the same to a Zambian in this community as $10,000 to us. WOW thats a lot of Kwacha!
So what did the Chirper say? Yes...I did...You would think after 23 years of parenting I would not have been so stupid. But I did... Right out of my mouth came the accusation "I told you! You have to lock everything up!"
What if God accused us and threw our mistakes in our face ? What if every time I sinned he accused me? Reminded me how stupid I was? NO! That is Satan who does that. He is the accuser who points out our failures as if to say I told you so? I mean really what kind of lesson was I trying to teach?
The hours after Caleb's money was stolen he probably learned more than if I had continued to chirp in his ear for months. It's a story he will tell the rest of his life.
Memories of a lifetime...
5 young Zambian boys, 2 young missionary men (Caleb was one), searching compound (slums) in darkness of night, finding culprit, denying, black mamba paddy wagon, Mitzi...OH YES MITZI!, more denying, police station (hut with 2 men), searching, digging for stolen money in yard, father, police station, AK47, prison threats, under carpet, ....4 hours later Kwacha returned! Then Police payoff...HA! Back to stolen Kwacha...
Mom could have never offered that! But if I only would have...NO! That is satan! That is exactly what I did to Caleb. If we don't take our mistakes and determine that God has what is best for us and learn from it the accuser wins...
So today I commit to forgetting the accusations of the accuser and remembering the act of my savior and will try to offer grace!
Hebrews 9:14 How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God!
So today is my miracle day! Because I am free of the accusations of the accuser...because He is not done with me yet!
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