Today was a good a day. It has had me reflecting (and sobbing) on how we got here. So many things had to happen for us to get to today...
in 2008 my family and job are PERFECT!,
I was layed off from a really good job,
took a job at my church (I had said I would NEVER DO THAT AGAIN),
coworkers leave,
I'm alone trying to figure out this thing called missions,
LUNATIC friend gives me the book Radical,
CRAZY couple WOULDN'T stop pushing for support of orphan care ministry
PERSPECTIVES class is now my work responsibility to host,
another AWESOME couple leaves to serve with Lifesong Zambia,
Robert and I are sent to visit said awesome couple in Zambia,
We argue over which kids to sponsor at Lifesong Zambia,
Lifesong Zambia is AMAZING,
Choose 4 boys to sponsor,
We are debt free except the house,
Back to Zambia on a mission team,
Perspectives for the 3rd time and I am ROCKED (I'm a slow learner),
Robert decides we are moving to Zambia to build a high school...
Ok Ok...enough. There are a JILLION other details that are not in there that have all lead up to today.
If you would have told me that I lost my job so that today could happen I would have laughed in your face...sorry God! And I probably would have told you we are super awesome spiritual couple thats why God choose us for the mission field. I mean really, look at Caleb and Joshua. Only perfect people can raise kids like that! I can just see God and Jesus and the Angels having a good belly laugh. At this point the angels are rolling on the floor laughing as God chuckles and reminds them that I am a slow learner...
There is so much we can KNOW about God. But that I would ever think I could understand God's ways is where I need to be careful. Regardless of the situation I need to trust that God is revealing Himself for a bigger purpose.
Today I stand in awe of the privilege of calling Jesus my Lord. He has reminded me today that His plans are far greater than mine. That He can accomplish much...EVEN without me having any idea what I am doing. That His ways will always bring Him glory. And there is nothing I can do to change that. REGARDLESS of me, He wins!
So today I will choose to see every moment as a stepping stone to see the glory of God. Because there is no moment in time that does not reflect forward to the coming of Christ. So today was a great day...a picture of God choosing his beloved and His beloved saying yes...I choose you back. So that His glory is made known to the whole world. BEAUTIFUL!
But thats not the is the beginning of the next step in God's plan. And I am so glad I don't have it figured out. Because His plan is so much more than I ever imagined!
He's chosen you too. Won't you choose him back...Today is my miracle day! Because today is the beginning of another glimpse of God's glory...
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