If you haven't heard Lifesong Bolivia has been authorized to receive children at FundaciĆ³n Esperanza. Their first baby's should come in the next couple of days. This has been over a year in the making. A few ways to pray for Lifesong's ministry there:
*Pray for remaining staff positions to fill quickly, but with the right people.
*Pray for the children that they will receive.
*Pray for the surprise inspection that will take place sometime in the next 2 weeks.
There is much more happening at Lifesong ministries in Guatemala, Ethiopia, Honduras, Liberia, Ukraine, India and of course the USA with our adoption services and the Forgotten Initiative. If your church does not have an Orphan Care Ministry I can fix you up. AND you need one...James 1:27!
BUT MY BIG NEWS is this...
We are so excited about our Student Life Homes and how this could change the future of so many of our kids! Just yesterday I had the pleasure of taking food to a home that two of our boys live in. I have written often about these boys. They have wrecked my heart!! They live with 5 other boys and NO caregiver. No food, no beds, no one to get them to school, no nothing! They could be the ones Ezron is talking about in the video. The ability to live in our Student Life Homes could change their lives forever!
Please pray for our kids, our future home parents and FUNDS. We need money to make this happen!! So as we prepare to launch a campaign to make this happen I am reminded that Christ told us to pray for His Kingdom to come...ON EARTH! Just as it is in heaven. We are praying that this will be a little bit of heaven on earth for our kids...
Lets bring Heaven to earth...because He is not done with us yet!
USA - See more at: http://www.lifesongfororphans.org/countries/honduras/#sthash.Mmdbczof.dpuf
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