
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Taken for Granted

I hope I have learned something this year and not just run crazy in this 2013 whirlwind.

January through April was a blur as we prepared to move. I had no idea how hard that was going to be…I took for granted how much my friends and family meant to me. I am so thankful for the opportunity to feel the pain of missing them. It has helped me to see how much I love them and how I have taken them for granted. What a sweet reunion it will be! It has caused me start thinking about a lot of things I have taken for granted. Like…

Music…Boy did I ever take Pandora (free music player) for granted!! We don’t have anything like that here and I never realized how much music I listen to.

Air conditioning and heaters…enough said!!!

Rain…we were here 7 months before there was a drop of rain. Rain is nice!!

Walking…not walking for exercise but just walking because it’s my mode of transportation. It’s very nice!

Greetings…these are an art here and very important. It’s nice to stop and greet someone and visit. Who cares that there are things to be done. Lets see how each other are first and then we can talk shop.

Life…death is not surprising here. It is expected. I have gone to transport bodies from the funeral home and to wailings and to funerals…We live on the road to the gravesite and there is a funeral almost daily going down our street. Life is short here.  Life is hard here. Life …you best be sure of your after life. Are you?

Health care…we have had two funerals because the hospital can’t get good antibiotics here. Simple medicine would probably have saved their lives…

News…what in the world is going on in the world? Stoplights (robots) with lights that work, things that make sense, witchcraft, pedicures, Natalie Kleman (I miss my hairdresser!), water, electricity, Fresca, potholes and paved roads, Mexican food, volleyball outside in the rain! Parents that care where you are…what you are doing… someone to help with homework, feed you, pray for you… tell you your worthy… teach you about Jesus. Yes! The main thing I have taken for granted is the luxury of a family.

So as this year comes to an end we will celebrate all that has been and is yet to come. As 2014 kicks off I will try my best to not take this life for granted…to appreciate all things…to love my family like crazy and be thankful I have one. Thanks for being a part of our lives…That I can promise you we don’t take for granted!!

So I won’t take today for granted…because it’s my miracle day! Because He is not done with me yet…Sandy