
Thursday, July 28, 2016

My Heart is Broken

My heart is definitely broken. Broken into two pieces…One piece always resides in Zambia. When I am there my heart feels whole for some reason. I hope you have a place where your heart longs to be…a place only God could have picked for you. It’s strange to think I could love a place so much that has such despair, poverty and pain but strangely so full of joy and hope…

I just returned from my happy place…Happy?? so many ask... how can dirt, power outages, dirty water, disease, death, 85-90% unemployment, AIDS, Malaria, extreme poverty, corruption and…and ….and …. HOW can that bring such peace and contentment and Happiness? Lifesong is part of it…

I was reading this morning in Matthew 6:25-34. This passage is hard for me…Don’t worry about tomorrow…don’t worry about your food or your clothes. I remember in 2013 walking down the red dirt road in Zambia crying out to God…WHERE ARE YOU??!!!! Why are all these people who love you and crying out to you still suffering so? Why are they starving to death, dying of preventable disease, some basically naked…? You say you are the father to the fatherless, you say “do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink, what you will wear… Look at the birds of the air…. Are you not much more valuable than they?” I was so angry… But God in His gentleness reminded me that I was there… I am His Church and His Church is to be about His business. His Church is His was of redeeming a lost world… "So get it on with it child...thats what you are here for!"

In the midst of all that is a struggle and hurting Zambia is a place called Lifesong. Lifesong School and Lifesong Farms… In a desperate place Lifesong is Hope. Food, medical care, education, jobs, skills training and most importantly discipleship. Lifesong is breathing Gods Hope into a desperate place. The hands and feet of Jesus, demonstrating that God does care more for these people than he does the birds or the flowers…

When I left in 2014 M was important to me. M, a 2nd grader could not read...didn’t even know the letters of the alphabet. On top of all that- home life is a struggle and certainly not a place for M to learn about Christ. In my eyes not much Hope for this little one…except God has Lifesong there.

So back to my happy place…where those who have nothing give you all they can. They are like the widow with her mites sacrificing to give you any little thing. Typically, you will leave with handfuls of notes and cards beautifully colored and written by our students because it’s all they have to give. M gave me two notes…

M can now read and write thanks to Lifesong's amazing staff and teachers. And M is quoting scripture...on the back of this note John 3:16 written out. That makes me Happy. That’s what Lifesong is doing for a community that is desperate for Hope. God is using Lifesong to demonstrate that He loves his people more than the flowers and the birds. He is using Lifesong to show these precious ones that they were created with a hope and a purpose…And that God so loved them, that He gave His only son...Where else would M here that?

Do you have a broken heart? I encourage you to let God break your heart for a hurting world. Matthew 25:31-46 begs us to… There are so many ways and amazing ministries to get involved with… I implore you to let God break your heart in two. It’s so worth it! We, His Church, are the only answer…

So today is my Miracle Day because M loves me like a cup of milk...and God broke my heart in two…



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